With the exception of more modern automotive electronic injectors very few are interchangable. Spica, Bosch and Kugelfischer produced high pressure mechanical injectors for Alfas, Porsches and BMW’s. Kugelfischer injectors were also fitted to several types of racecars.
Operating pressures range from 250 to 350 psi.
Do not throw any injectors away after failing a static test. They cannot be fully tested with static pressure testers as used on diesel systems. They must be dynamically tested and pulsed with very high volumes of fuel at several different engine speeds (as we do on our custom test bench, shown at left).
Rust from long term storage can destroy injectors.
They are precise and complex devices with very high quality materials and components. New injectors have not been available since about 1995. Good used injectors have become rare and valuable.
Pumps we receive for rebuilding usually include the injectors.